
McCutcheon Air Conditioning and Heating Blog

Is your AC ready for a Florida Winter?

blog jan 20

Believe it or not, Florida Winters can put your HVAC system through the wringer.

One day it’s in the high 80s and the next you’re cranking up the heat and piling on the blankets. Make sure your AC system is ready for the Florida Winter Workout by following these easy steps:

  1. Make sure your air filter is clean.

Dirty air filters affect your indoor air quality and they force your AC to work harder than it needs to. If you haven’t changed your air filter in a while, now would be a great time to do so.

  1. Program your thermostat for the “Heat” setting.

When switching from the “Cool” setting to the “Heat” setting, make sure you set the thermostat to a temperature that will provide comfort as well as energy savings and, if you’re ever tempted to use the “Em Heat” setting, read our What is Emergency Heat? blog first.

  1. Schedule a maintenance visit.

Regular preventive AC maintenance is the best way to ensure trouble-free operation and peak performance throughout the year. Our maintenance agreements include two 32+ point inspections per year and our maintenance agreement customers enjoy 15% discount on any service need that may arise during the contract year, after-hours service calls billed at our non-emergency rate, and discounts on all system replacements. Click here to learn more about our maintenance agreements.

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