Ozone generating air cleaners, for example, can lead to respiratory tract irritations and other breathing difficulties, while passive electrostatic air purifiers actually do very little to clean indoor air.
The best way to promote cleaner air in your home is to have UV lights installed in your HVAC System.
For over 100 years, UV lights have been used in a variety of applications to safely and reliably kill germs on surfaces, in the air, and in water. Germicidal ultraviolet lights generate UV-C, the “C” in UV-C refers to the particular frequency of UV light that kills germs. Sean McCutcheon’s Air Conditioning and Heating, Inc. can safely and efficiently improve your home’s indoor air quality by installing germicidal UV lights in your air handler.
UV Purification is a cost effective way to bask stationary objects like your evaporator coil and duct walls with the germicidal power of UVC light. Most UV lights are installed in such a way that the UV rays directly treat the evaporator coil. Other types of UV lights can actually be installed in the return or supply air duct to treat the air as it passes through. There are even portable UV units that can purify up to 900 sq. ft. These portable units may be ideal for those who work in offices without a purification system, or for those who do not have a forced air system.
One of the most important things to remember is that UV light sanitization is very cost effective and it should not break the bank. Sean McCutcheon’s Air Conditioning and Heating, Inc. can install a UV Systems for as little as $250.00 and rarely more than $675.00 for most residential applications per HVAC system.
We are constantly hearing horror stories from people who were talked into paying thousands of dollars for an installation we could have done for $250.00 so be diligent and at least get a second opinion. You can avoid getting swindled by an unethical contractor if you do just a little research.
Although some commercial versions can last up to 3 years, most UV lights need to be changed once a year to ensure maximum effectiveness.
If you would like more information about Ultraviolet Germicidal Lights and whether this is the right option for your particular HVAC system, call Sean McCutcheon’s Air Conditioning and Heating, Inc. and one of our expertly trained home comfort specialists will answer any questions you may have.
Sean McCutcheon’s Air Conditioning and Heating, Inc. has been named a Carrier Award Winning I.A.Q. Expert for three years running.