
McCutcheon Air Conditioning and Heating Blog

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Unsolicited Home Repairs

Scammers will often target neighborhoods with high concentrations of senior citizens then go door to door claiming to have spotted something in need of immediate repair like a hole in the roof, but this is only the first part of the scam.

Some scammers will use this tactic to simply gain access to a home. Often working in pairs, one of the supposed workers will distract the homeowner while the other enters the home and steals money or other valuables.

Some will demand payment up front then pretend to do the work they were hired to do or they simply won’t come back after they’ve received payment. Others will claim that, upon further inspection, the problem they had diagnosed from the street is more severe and will therefore cost more to repair.

Bottom line, good contractors are in high demand and they do not go door to door looking for business. These scammers are not licensed and they do shoddy work which can do more harm than good.

For more information on avoiding scams visit America's Repair Force

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