Often people are tempted to buy inexpensive and less effective filters. At first glance it may be hard to see the advantage of spending the extra money for a better filter, but the extra you invest now may save you huge repair bills down the road
If any filter becomes clogged it will block normal air flow to the a/c system and reduce the systems efficiency dramatically. When a filter is clogged air will be forced to bypass the filter and contaminate the evaporator coil with dirt and debris which will impair its heat absorbing capacity. In other words, it will cost more to cool the home.
Coils will naturally collect dirt over time, but a good filter will greatly reduce the amount and rate of buildup. Lesser expensive filters cause problems over time because they affect the systems performance and contribute to expensive service calls.
The better the filter – the more particles it will collect. Dust that does not get collected by your filter gets redistributed back into your home. If you suffer from allergies or other health concerns, the more efficient filters are a good decision. Quality filters with high MERV ratings will remove more household allergens.
It is estimated that a clean new filter can lower your AC systems energy consumption up to 16%.
Quality filters cost more in the short run, but in the long run they will pay for themselves in healthier air, a more efficient Air conditioning system, and less change of expensive maintenance bills.